Friday, June 17, 2011

At the Botanics


Chasing Pigeons

Recently my sister requested to have some family photos taken of her family.  She likes the idea of having family portraits taken on a yearly basis.  Sort of like Jon & Kate Plus 8 (when they were together).  They had pictures of them and the children taken every year, which I think is a great as it helps to track how the kids have grown year after year..  And I love the idea of looking at old photos, and seeing how much we have changed (I have to emphasise that I used the word 'changed' not 'aged'!) 

So, off we went to the botanics.  The kids had fun, though I must say that it was tough getting their attention and focus.  I think I probably have to learn a thing or two from the photographer who takes pictures for Jon & Kate. I heard that his assistant hold up hand puppets to get the children's attention! We ended the day with lunch at PS Cafe at Dempsey, a beautiful place with so much natural light flooding in..